Welcome to Puffins!

on under jekyll
1 minute read

Hi folks, welcome to my brand new blog ‘Problems with Puffins’!

I'm a puffin!

In this blog, I will introduce you to puffins (you might’ve noticed I love these birds) and numerous problems they encounter on their journey through the world of machine learning, natural language processing, and many other research areas, but also just funny and interesting maths problems. In fact, everything that crosses the puffins’ minds will be covered in this blog, and those brilliant little fellas have a lot on their plates. No wonder, they have plenty of time for coming up with the wildest of thoughts while hanging out and about on Ireland’s beautiful cliffs.

Also the puffins’ favourite programming language seems to be Ruby (for some reason, guess they just love shiny things, so far they refused to tell me the truth), so I guess we will come across a lot of code like this:

def print_hi(name)
  puts "Hi, #{name}"
print_hi('Tesla the Puffin')
#=> prints 'Hi, Tesla the Puffin' to STDOUT.

Check out github to see what other problems the puffins and I are dealing with: Github.

Thanks for reading, we’ll be back soon (have to finish our cucumber sandwiches first)!